Hello Friends,
First off we would like to thank all of you who
offered your support in finances and in prayer. We really appreciate it
and needed your help in those areas! Please continue to pray for us as
the Lord leads you!
The following is written By Penny and Randy and it
is sort of mixed together, it may be hard to tell who is writing what at
Randy and
I just got back from a trip to Poland where
we participated in ministry to the Polish People with Michelle
Lewandowski. She and her husband, David have a ministry called, Christ
for Poland, (www.christforpoland.com)
and they reside there in Poland with their three boys. |
Next we traveled up north to the beautiful
city of Gdansk. We did another women’s conference there in a very
old and beautiful church. I sang the songs that the Lord chose to
sing to them and many women heard for the first time that God saw
them as a beautiful flower and was in love with them! We can’t
hear that enough in my humble opinion! Other songs were just as
intimate and so it was quite
ministering also to me, as
always! In two other neighboring cities we did two more meetings.
I never new storks were native in Poland. We saw
quite a few. The nest you see is about 6' around. |
Here we stayed with our wonderful host Lydia. She
made us feel so welcome and we were honored to be in her home.
Thank you for blessing us with your gift of hospitality!! Lydia's
father had been the pastor of the church at Gdansk. Dziękuję!
Dziękuję! Dziękuję! |
Then we went to a city called Elblong and in
the middle of the city is a restored warehouse which is their
church. The Lord gave a corporate song for the women there that was very
powerful. I saw, in the Spirit, three heavy cement blocks and a
heavy metal blanket over the women. I believe it signified the
legalism they are under in a religion that is prevalent there.
Many women again were set free, prayed for and went away blessed. |
Coffee and just a little desert! I made the mistake of asking if
there was maybe a little coffee cake. I think something got lost
in the translation! Oh well, I guess that happens sometimes!!
LOL!! |
left to right Pastor David
Lewandowski, Pastor Anjay, Randy Allen, Penny Allen, Michelle
Lewandowski, Pastor Anjay, and the boys. Spending time with these
pastors reminded me of what Jesus said "by this all men will know
you are my disciples, if you love one another" John 13:35 |
Michelle Lewandowski taught sunday
morning and did an awesome job as usual sharing the message of
Gods love towards us. Pastor Anjay translated. My new friend Paul
(next to me in the photo on the right translated the early part of
the service to Penny & I. What a neat brother in the lord he is!!
The Lord touched his people through prophetic music and songs. |
This was something new where we were
able to mix bluegrass, folk and ministry, songs of the Lord for
his kids all in the same event. What a blast! We are so thankful
we had translators!! Dziękuję! Dziękuję! Dziękuję! |
Then as we traveled south again, we came full
circle back to Wroclaw where every Thursday night their church feeds
the homeless. It was Thursday night so Randy joined me as we gave
them a bluegrass concert. I also sang prophetic songs over quite a
few of them. Their stories would break your heart as they did ours.
(sorry we don't have any photos of this)
One woman was in a violent household and was
quite pregnant. She was crying because she had to give up her child
because she couldn’t bring her child into the violent household as
she was afraid for her child. Another woman had to go to court so
she wanted prayer that she would have favor with the court system.
She had 4 children and looked like a child herself. There are no
women shelters there, so there are no places to run to like in the
U.S. They are precious people and many of them kissed my hand to
thank me! I will never forget their faces and the looks in their
eyes as they thanked me for the songs. I had to suck-it-up to not
cry! Through an interrupter they said the song I gave them was true
and they felt very touched. They also loved the song “Homegrown
Tomatoes” that Randy always sings! Such joy! Randy and I gave a
short testimony of our past including alcoholism, and I feel that
that made them feel like they weren’t the only ones who have made
mistakes. I know I can speak for Randy when I say it was the
highlight of our trip, ministering to those who can’t give us
anything at all. It is a privilege to be used of God that way and I
know that He was very pleased. |
This Poppy is the national flower!
Similar to ours in California but bright red! |
In Gdansk |
Below are photos from our visit at
Auschwitz - Birkenau |
Main Gate translted "work
brings freedom" |
Nearby is probably one of the most
beautiful cities in the world . Certainly the most beautiful I
have ever seen!
I could have spent a week in Krakow.
Huge palace castle and cathedrals and a gorgeous square!
We started in the town of Wroclaw and did a
women’s conference there. I sang prophetic songs over the women
there after Michelle preached. My husband Randy helped with worship
by playing his mandolin. Everyone who hears him says he is anointed!
Bartosz Bobel is also a fine musician and worship leader there and
the music was heavenly!! Also there was a great drummer and I am
sorry but I can’t remember his name. The women were blessed and it
was a great start for me, kicking off our stay there in Poland.
One meeting had about 60 women there. When they
found out Michelle was preaching the room kept filling up with
women! It was like the unending line of women coming in!! (LOL!) The
dessert table looked luscious but we didn’t get the time to eat any,
as we were busy for many hours, praying for the women who came
hungry to receive a touch from the Lord. I called several women up
for a song of the Lord. Most of them had never seen the prophetic
gift operating in that way before
and I had so much joy in doing it….that’s how God is! He blesses the
giver and the receiver! |
Here are a few photos of Mallbork Castle. An
amazing place! Art! Architecture & History! |
Penny & I & our special buddy David Jr. |
I also sang songs over people in public
establishments…two young girls in a coffee shop and a shop worker in
Gdansk All I did was ask! The Holy Spirit arranges it and He
tells me who and when because in John 14:26 it says the
“Holy Spirit will tell you all things.” We need to rely on Him
and I myself am always learning how to hear His voice. I make it
sort of a vocation to hear the voice of God, the voice of the Holy
Spirit! He is no respecter of persons! If you are in Christ Jesus (John
14:16~17) you have the same privilege as me! I want to live the
rest of my life encouraging others to hear from God because He has a
lot to say to us. Instead of running to books or people, I try to
run to God first because He said, “The Counselor, the Holy Spirit
whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and
will remind you of everything I have said to you.” John 14:26.
Randy here....This is a photo of the
town of Elblong. This is from the tower that held the gate to the
city. Legend is that a young baker boy was up early baking bread and
heard the enemy coming and dropped the gate, saving the city. Papa
gave Penny and I a special time to sit up here and pray for this
town. I really enjoyed the couple of days we got to stay here! |
..Randy here... Out of hundreds of photos, this is
one of my favorites, probably because this image was etched into my
mind on the trip. The miracle of this image really hit me more after
we came back home. The people of Poland had lost much of their
leadership and their president in a tragic plane crash earlier in
the year. This was the day they were voting for a new president. It
was also our 4th of July. I felt so honored by the pastor of this
church, somehow he found an American flag and put the two of our
flags together. Growing up in a generation and era of the cold war;
it just hit me that what a miracle this was.. that we could be
together to worship...that we both live in free countries...and I
was reminded that when I was born this is not a picture that could
have been taken!!! |
The two photos below are of the church and show a
little before and after. The Lord gave Pastor Anjay vision and faith
for this building. (It seems vision and faith always come before the
means, usually the last to come is the finances!) In a semi private
conversation after service; Pastor Anjay was in tears of gratitude
speaking to David Lewandowski for his help with getting the project
together. (I don't really know any more details, but this is some of
the work that David and Michelle are doing in Poland.) |
My new friend Jagucsh, Instant hot mandolin player!
Left: This is downtown Wroclaw (pronounced vrotswav)
Cobblestone streets everywhere even in allot of new construction
areas. I can't tell you how many sidewalks I saw made by hand with
2" square granite blocks and they are absolutely beautiful! |
In Gdansk |
Below are photos from our visit at Auschwitz -
Birkenau |
The train tracks that brought masses to their end
at Birkenau |
This is known as the Execution Wall. |
We just saw the Diary of Anne Frank and realized
that after two years of hiding, near the end of the war, she
and her family died in this camp. |
This is a hard thing to see but I think it is
important to remember. |